2024 Turkey Twirl Evaluation Meet and Clinic
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Westminster High School, 6933 Raleigh Street Westminster, CO 80030
Entry Deadline: Oct. 20, 2024
The Turkey Twirl Evaluation Meet and Clinic is a great way to kick off the new twirling season. We will hold an evaluation meet in the morning and a clinic in the afternoon. Foundation Events (Basic, Military, Parade March, Presentation) and the unsanctioned events of Modeling, Showtwirl, Hoop, Flag, and Ribbon will be competitive, and awards will be given. Championship Events (Solo, Duet, 2-Baton, 3-Baton, Strut, Artistic Twirl, Artistic Twirl Pairs) are evaluation only. Awards will be given to the foundation events; all championship and other events are evaluations only.
We're excited to announce our clinicians, Kaitlyn Turnbull and Anzu Watanabe!
The Entry deadline is Sunday, October 20. Access the entry form below. You can pay via the Cash App to $cbcbaton or by mailing a check. If you have any issues with the form, reach out to Molly MacEachen.
Note the TEAM ENTRY FORM (to be downloaded and submitted via email to Michelle Dawson by the coaches) remains the same as in the past.
All athletes participating in the evaluation meet or clinic must have a current USTA membership OR pay the $5 non-member fee on their entry form. A USTA Athlete membership is $35 for the 2024-25 season, is valid for all USTA competitions this season, and includes USTA insurance coverage and publications. Get more information about USTA memberships HERE.
Athletes who want to be evaluated in Compulsories or Movement Technique at the BI level or higher must have a CAS Record Book. You can purchase a CAS Record Book for $6 on the USTA Member Portal under Events & Courses > USTA Merchandise > CAS Record Books. Athletes doing C or B level Compulsories or Movement Technique are not required to have a CAS Record Book.
You can pay by check payable to Colorado Baton Council, or via the Cash App to $cbcbaton. Scan the QR Code below for the Cash App.